Tree graphics with the words Chapter Meeting

December 2022 Chapter Meeting

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

Our December Chapter meeting is all about preparation for Evergreen Audubon’s 54th Christmas Bird Count! Join us on Thursday December 2, 2022 at 6:30 pm at Evergreen Christian Church or via Zoom to enjoy an evening (re)learning local bird ID, reliving the ghosts of Christmas Counts past, and jumping into the always popular Christmas Count Bird ID quiz. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Tree graphics with the words Chapter Meeting

November 2022 Chapter Meeting

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

Learn all about Mountain Lion Biology, behavior, and how cougars are navigating the wildlife-urban interface when our speaker, Mat Alldredge, carnivore research for Colorado Parks and Wildlife, presents “Mountain Lions in Colorado and Their Presence in the Urban-Wildland Interface”. Don’t miss it!

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Tree graphics with the words Chapter Meeting

September 2022 Chapter Meeting

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

Details coming soon

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Tree graphics with the words Chapter Meeting

August 2022 Chapter Meeting

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

We will learn all about beavers and their ability to change and improve habitat quality in streams when Kelsea Holloway, USFWS Public Lands Biologist, presents “Its About Dam Time”.

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A man with a bird perched on his h

May 2022 Chapter meeting

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

Dr. Garth Spellman of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science will talk about how climate change contributed to the origin of and could lead to the decline of the Brown-capped Rosy-finch, an iconic CO species.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.