Expired February 2023 Chapter Meeting

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

Topic: Galapagos Islands Wildlife Tour – A Sampling of Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles and Remote Ecology
Speaker: Tom Ryon, wildlife biologist, Evergreen Audubon Chapter member
Date and Time: Thursday, February 2nd at 7 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm for socializing)
Location: Hybrid: In person at Evergreen Christian Church and virtual attendance via Zoom

Presentation Details

Winter in our Evergreen world is characterized by more somber hues: The dark greens of our conifers, the grays, browns, and ochres of our underlying geology, and the contrast of white snow and ice, our future water supply and backdrop as we hike and ski.  In February, many of us start thinking about warmer, more colorful locations to bird and explore.

A Pink Iguana perched on a rock
A Marine Iguana, found throughout the Galapagos. Photograph by Tom Ryon and used with permission.

Well, we can’t get you on a plane to a tropical location, but perhaps we can do the next best thing when Tom Ryon, a fellow Evergreen Audubon member and wildlife biologist with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, presents  “Galapagos Island Wildlife Tour – A Sampling of Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles and Remote Ecology” at February Evergreen Audubon Chapter meeting.

In his presentation, Tom will share insights into the geography, wildlife, and eco-tourism and their impact on the fragile ecology of the remote Galapagos archipelago, gained from his 2022 visit.

Image of Galapagos fur seals on a beach
Galapagos fur seals on a beach. Photo by Tom Ryon, and used with permission
A Blue-Footed Booby perched on a rock
Blue-footed Booby, native to the Galapagos Island. Photograph by Tom Ryon, and used with permission
Close up photograph of the head of a Great Frigatebird
Great Frigate bird, a species commonly observed in the Galapagos Islands. Photograph by Tom Ryon, and used with permission.

About the Speaker

Tom Ryon is a wildlife biologist with 33 years experience in threatened & endangered species, wildlife management, habitat enhancement, and ecology. He currently works at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory as a wildlife biologist and environmental specialist and has held this position for 13 years. His work includes environmental review, wildlife management, noxious weed control, and assisting with laboratory building designs that are sustainable, particularly bird-friendly.

Meeting Logistics

Be sure to arrive when doors open at 6:30 pm so you can grab a good seat (virtual or actual) and visit with your Evergreen Audubon friends & neighbors. If attending virtually, consult the Zoom Meeting Details below. The meeting proper begins at 7 pm with brief announcements to catch you up on Evergreen Audubon’s jam-packed calendar of events and outings, immediately followed by the evening’s program.

Zoom Meeting Details


Meeting ID: 831 5839 0470
Passcode: 030633

Dial-in according to your phone’s area code.  If you are dialing in from a Colorado phone, the number is:
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
Meeting ID: 831 5839 0470
Passcode: 030633

Or find the appropriate number for your area code visit the Zoom website https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kzc31iRPZ


27772 Iris Dr, Evergreen, Colorado, 80439, United States