Expired November 2022 Chapter Meeting

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

Topic: Mountain Lions in Colorado and Their Presence in the Urban-Wildland Interface
Speaker: Mat Alldredge, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Date and Time: Thursday, November 3rd at 7 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm for socializing)
Location: Hybrid: In person at Evergreen Christian Church and virtual attendance via Zoom

Presentation Details

Fall now has a firm grip on our Evergreen World, and winter is not far behind. While many of our birds migrate south and some of the mammals move down out of our watershed, one of our most magnificent predators remains present, actively hunting and little seen: the mountain lion (Puma concolor). Mountain lions have adapted to our human presence in their territories, and as human-mountain lion interactions increase, it behooves us to better understand their biology, behavior, and how we can better coexist.

Face on photograph of a mountain line
Mountain lion. Photograph provided by Mat Alldredge and used with permission.

We are fortunate that the program for our  November 2022 Evergreen Audubon Chapter Meeting will be presented by Mat Alldredge, Wildlife Researcher, Carnivores, for Colorado Parks and Wildlife.  ​Mat will talk about general mountain lion biology, the history of mountain lions in Colorado and management practices, and aspects of his research on mountain lions in the urban-wildland interface along Colorado’s front range. He will also summarize some of the results from his team’s 10-year research project investigating what lions are doing in urban areas, how they use these areas, and predator-prey dynamics. In addition, he will also talk about estimating lion population density and the results of those efforts.

Be sure to arrive when doors open at 6:30 pm on Thursday, November 3, 2022, so you can grab a good seat (virtual or actual) and visit with your Evergreen Audubon friends & neighbors.  If you are coming in person, our meeting will be held at Evergreen Christian Church, 27772 Iris Drive, Evergreen, CO 80439. If attending virtually, consult the Zoom Meeting Details below. The meeting proper begins at 7 pm with brief announcements to catch you up on Evergreen Audubon’s jam-packed calendar of events and outings, immediately followed by the evening’s program.

About the Speaker

Mountain lion wearing a radio tracking collar
Radio collared mountain lion in winter. Photo provided by Mat Alldredge and used with permission.

Mat Alldredge, a Colorado native, has been interested in wildlife his entire life. His research interests are in population ecology and modeling.  Mat earned a Ph.D. in biomathematics, zoology, and statistics. He has studied grizzly bears in Wyoming, elk in Idaho, and conducted his Ph.D. research on methods to estimate density of birds from point counts. He has been a researcher for Colorado Parks and wildlife for over 16 years, primarily focused on the state’s large carnivores.

Zoom Meeting Details


Meeting ID: 831 5839 0470
Passcode: 030633

Dial-in according to your phone’s area code.  If you are dialing in from a Colorado phone, the number is:
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
Meeting ID: 831 5839 0470
Passcode: 030633

Or find the appropriate number for your area code visit the Zoom website https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kzc31iRPZ


27772 Iris Dr, Evergreen, Colorado, 80439, United States