Recruiting Board Members and other Volunteers

December is election time for Evergreen Audubon and we are seeking new board members. The board meets monthly on the 4th Thursday to discuss strategies and make decisions for Evergreen Audubon and the Evergreen Nature Center.

graphic of people sitting around a round table

We are also looking for folks to join various committees, such as communications, event planning, fundraising, etc., and to start new advisory boards for financial, legal, marketing, and adult/children programming advice. These volunteer positions will meet periodically as needed. If you have any of the following skills, we’d love your help:

  • Word Press or other HTML website development
  • MailChimp or other marketing email tools
  • Social media posting
  • Nature or educational programming creation or assistance
  • Fundraising or event planning

If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities or have questions, please let Kathy Madison know. She can be reached at