Expired November 2023 Chapter Meeting: A Tiny Menace in the Forest–The Northern Saw-whet Owl

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Topic: A Tiny Menace in the Forest–The Northern Saw-whet Owl
Speaker: Marion Clément, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Date and Time: Thursday, November 2nd  at 7:15 pm (doors open at 6:45 pm for socializing)
Location–Hybrid: In person at the Church of Transfiguration & virtual attendance via Zoom

Presentation Details

Fall is fully present in our Evergreen world, the gold of aspens faded, and more somber hues pervade the watershed.  Nights are longer, and from twilight to dawn we are likely to hear the calls of owls. Most often it is the deep hoots of Great Horned Owls, but our forests also are home to a more diminutive predator, that, gram for gram, is at least as fierce. Be sure to join fellow Evergreen Audubon members and friends at our Thursday, November 2, 2023 Chapter meeting.

Northern Saw-Whet Owl perched and held on the right hand of a human
Northern Saw-Whet Owl. Photo by Marion Clément and used with permission.

Our speaker will be Marion Clément, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies’ Mexican Spotted Owl Coordinator and owl researcher. Her presentation will be: “A Tiny Menace in the Forest–The Northern Saw-whet Owl.” The doors will open (and the Zoom link will be live) at 6:45 pm (NOTE: This is 15 minutes later than has been our custom!) at Evergreen Church of the Transfiguration. The program will start around 7:15 pm with a brief business meeting and a few announcements about all the new and exciting things happening with Evergreen Audubon and the Evergreen Nature Center.

As Marion notes:

A small owl with bright yellow eyes and long lashes, it’s no wonder the Northern Saw-whet Owl recently won Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s cutest owl award. Despite its undeniable charm, almost nothing is known about this common species. Since 1994, banding stations across North America have been collaborating to shed light on this nocturnal predator.”

Human comparing the eye color of a Northern Saw-Shet Owl to a color chart
Comparing the color of a Northern Saw-Whet Owl eye to a color chart. Photo by Courtney Reller and used with permission.

Due to the owl’s small size and nomadic behavior, banding recoveries are still the best tool for to understand the owl’s population trends, habitat needs, migration and breeding. There is still much to discover.

Right above Fort Collins, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies runs one of the fall migration stations that catch, band, and release Northern Saw-Whet Owls, contributing data to Project Owlnet. Join Marion as she helps us learn about this owl, how this nationwide project began, and the future steps that are needed to protect this owl.

About the Speaker

Owl research Marion Clément holding a Northern Saw-whet Owl in her had
Marion Clément holding a Northern Saw-Whet Owl captured at night. Photo by Marion Clément and used with permission.

Marion Clément has been working on raptor conservation and owl research since 2015. She began her work under the mentorship of David Brinker, one of Project Owlnet’s creators. While helping Brinker with a Barn Owl nest monitoring study, she discovered her passion. She worked as a wildlife biologist for 5 years in Maryland, and then pursued a Master’s Degree at Clemson University to study habitat selection of Barred Owls along an urban gradient. She moved to Colorado in 2020 to work for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and joined Bird Conservancy of the Rockies in 2022 as the Mexican Spotted Owl Coordinator. On her own time, Marion started a Northern Saw-Whet Owl banding station with the support of Bird Conservancy of the Rockies near her home in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Zoom Meeting Details


Meeting ID: 831 5839 0470
Passcode: 030633

Dial-in according to your phone’s area code.  If you are dialing in from a Colorado phone, the number is:
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
Meeting ID: 831 5839 0470
Passcode: 030633

Or find the appropriate number for your area code visit the Zoom website https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kzc31iRPZ


27640 CO-74, Evergreen, Colorado, 80439, United States