Expired April 2023 Chapter Meeting

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

Topic: Sandhill Crane Conservation in Northwest Colorado
Speaker: Erin Gelling, Executive Director, Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition
Date and Time: Thursday, April 6th at 7 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm for socializing)
Location: Hybrid: In person at Evergreen Christian Church and virtual attendance via Zoom

Presentation Details

Sandhill Cranes are a seasonal delight in our Evergreen world. We are alerted by their unique trilling calls as they pass overhead in spring and fall, on their way North to their nesting grounds or South to their winter havens.

Two Sandhill cranes calling in unison
Sandhill Crane pair calling in unison. Photograph by Patti Mosbey and used with permission.

However, in the Northwest of Colorado, in the Yampa River watershed, Sandhill Cranes arrive in spring, then spend spring and summer nesting and raising young before heading south again. Evergreen Audubon will have a unique opportunity to learn more about these summer residents of the Centennial State when Erin Gelling, Executive Director for Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition, in Hayden, Colorado, joins us virtually to present “Sandhill Crane Conservation in Northwest Colorado.”

A parent and juvenile Sandhill Crane
Sandhill Crane Parent and Colt (juvenile). Photograph by Abby Jensen and used with permission.

The Sandhill Cranes in Northwest Colorado are part of the Rocky Mountain flock of Greater Sandhill Cranes. These
cranes nest, raise their young, and gather in the fall at staging areas in Northwest Colorado. We look forward to hearing why and how the Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition is helping to conserve these amazing birds.

Note: Our presenter will be joining us online, and our meeting will be both online and virtual via Zoom (details below).

About the Speaker

Erin Gelling is the Executive Director of the Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition. She completed her Master of Science in Rangeland Ecology at the University of Wyoming working with Greater Sage-grouse and has an undergraduate degree in Ecology with a minor in Geographic Information Systems from Rutgers University.

Sandhill Crane Sitting on nest
A Sandhill Crane on a nest along the Yampa River. Photograph by Abby Jensen and used with permission.

For 15 years, she has worked with a variety of birds, including songbirds, shorebirds, Sage-grouse, and Sandhill Cranes. She is a Certified Interpretive Guide and has worked as a naturalist, bird guide, and environmental educator for over 10 years. A New Jersey native, Erin moved to Northwest Colorado in the fall of 2010 and loves living in the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her husband and two dogs.

Meeting Logistics

Be sure to arrive when doors open at 6:30 pm so you can grab a good seat (virtual or actual) and visit with your Evergreen Audubon friends & neighbors. If attending virtually, consult the Zoom Meeting Details below. The meeting proper begins at 7 pm with brief announcements to catch you up on Evergreen Audubon’s jam-packed calendar of events and outings, immediately followed by the evening’s program.

Zoom Meeting Details


Meeting ID: 831 5839 0470
Passcode: 030633

Dial-in according to your phone’s area code.  If you are dialing in from a Colorado phone, the number is:
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
Meeting ID: 831 5839 0470
Passcode: 030633

Or find the appropriate number for your area code visit the Zoom website https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kzc31iRPZ


27772 Iris Dr, Evergreen, Colorado, 80439, United States