Spring 2023 Highway Cleanup

The day dawned cold, was a little bit windy, and threatened rain, but that didn’t deter eight hearty souls from fulfilling our appointed duty to make the shoulders on both sides of our 1.5-mile stretch of Highway 73, from the Marshdale Circle south, litter free. Having done this twice a year for several years now, the job keeps getting easier and we find fewer pieces of interesting road jetsam.

This year the haul was mostly beer cans (oh dear), liquor bottles (yikes!), and cigarette butts (really?), with a few detached car parts, miscellaneous gloves, the occasional hat, and a nice selection of rotting banana peels. This day’s most unusual item was an intact Styrofoam boogie board.

group of people standing around with garbage bags and orange safety vests.
(c) Melissa Leasia

Many thanks to the small but mighty crew that showed up and cleaned up on May 13th:  Kristina Boyd, Linda Engelhart, Melissa Leasia, Kathy Madison, Dan Roddy, Lin Warham-Morris, Janet Warner, and especially to organizer and head cheerleader, Dwight Souder.