2023 – Our 55th Christmas Bird Count

The Upper Bear Creek team (c) Clara Woodmansee

We once again had mild weather for the Christmas Bird Count. In the morning temps in the Elk Management Area and in the vicinity of Mestaa’ehehe Mountain were in the upper 20s, but at the lower elevations we started the day in the low 40s and by early afternoon we were in the low 50s.  Wind was a factor early but let up for most of us. The higher elevations had as much as two feet of snow to deal with but generally snow was not a problem.

Part of the Elk Management team (c) Megan Schulze

As for our participants, we had an all-time high of 86 folks in the field recording 5,751 birds.  The Brook Forest East and West teams each logged over ten miles apiece on foot, and the Mestaa’ehehe team, with its numerous participants, went crazy covering over twenty-eight miles on foot.  We also had 58 feeder-counters record an additional 1,758 birds.

As a reminder, we have increased our number of participants in recent years and as we have done so it makes sense that having more participants would translate into seeing more birds. However, to make valid comparisons with prior years, we must calculate the number of birds seen per the number of participants. So, this year we saw 52.1 birds per participant.  In comparison, the number of birds per participants in recent years has been: 2009 – 106, 2011 – 90, 2013 – 68, 2015 – 92, 2017 – 67, 2019 – 68, and 2021 – 53. So, there’s some evidence here for a possible decline in numbers through the years, but this doesn’t include such factors as weather conditions.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (c) AlanMurphyPhotography.com

So, moving on, what kind of numbers did we end up with in 2023?  For starters we missed a few species that we get with some regularity, though not every time, such as Canada Goose, American Goshawk (formerly Northern Goshawk), Bald Eagle, Northern Pygmy-Owl, and Bushtit.  That being said, we set, or tied, new high numbers for Golden Eagle (10), Belted Kingfisher (6), American Three-toed Woodpecker (7), Northern Shrike (5), Clark’s Nutcracker (126), Common Raven (241), Mountain Chickadee (1,062), Red-breasted Nuthatch (250), and Brown Creeper (46). I had been keeping an eye on the apparently numerous Clark’s Nutcrackers and Red-breasted Nuthatches throughout the fall, and indeed it was gratifying that we set new high numbers for both species. And, then, though not our highest number ever, we recorded 330 Evening Grosbeaks. That should knock your socks off!

Lewis’s Woodpecker (c) Bill Schmoker

Additionally, we had four special species that merit huge accolades.  First of all, the Brook Forest East team had four Common Grackles. These birds have only been recorded four times in our fifty-five-year history and furthermore four was the most ever. The Brook East team then went on to find a single Lewis’s Woodpecker, a new species for our count. While these shenanigans were going on the Bergen Park team was being equally as productive.  They recorded our second ever Yellow-bellied Sapsucker; the last one having been seen in 1979. They then went on to find a small flock of six Lapland Longspurs, yet another new species for our count. Kudos to the Brook East and Bergen teams for their great finds!

Lapland Longspur (c) Bill Schmoker

You may recall that we are in a friendly competition with over 2500 other CBCs across the Western Hemisphere regarding our numbers of Mountain Chickadees and Pygmy Nuthatches.  We have been Mountain Chickadee world champs for fifteen years running, and we’ve been Pygmy Nuthatch world champs a few times in that same period.  Last year’s 1,041 Mountain Chickadees and 1,881 Pygmy Nuthatches were the highest numbers recorded across the hemisphere, and with this year’s 1,062 Mountain Chickadees and 1,322 Pygmy Nuthatches we are well placed to retain our dominance.  

Chuck Aid tallying our birds (c) Lisa Wald

In getting things organized for this year, special thanks go out to those folks who stepped in at the last minute to create a birding team and make sure all our areas got covered: Megan and Kyle Schulze took over the Elk Management Area and put together a strong team, and wildlife biologist, Cam Carver, took on Idaho Springs West.  Strong additional support was provided by Bob Santagelo, Joan Strand, Rob Raker, Hannah Criswell, Felice Lyons, Susan and Bill Broderick, and Holly and Chris Marr.  Much gratitude to all!  Additional thanks go to all of our regular area leaders who got their crews through the day: JoAnn Hackos, Else Van Erp, Emma Vasicek, Chuck Aid, Ed Furlong, Timo Mitzen, David Wald, Kathy Madison, Ron Belak, Dwight Souder, Keri Bowling, and Larry White.  And a great big special thanks to our Feeder-Counter Coordinator, Barbara Jean Gard.

Finally, it was wonderful to, once again, end our day of bird counting with a glorious evening of good fellowship, great food, and LIVELY data compiling at our Tally Rally.  Truly a wonderful end to the day!  Many thanks go to Lisa and David Wald for hosting the Tally Rally; to Rachel Hutchison, JoAnn Hackos, Holly Marr, and Lisa Wald for making the chili; to Chris Marr for bringing chairs, tables, and the PA system; to Kathy Madison, Steve Garman, Maddie, and Melissa Leasia for handling KP duties and being greeters; to Holly Marr for being the Tally Rally head honcho; to all those who contributed to the potluck; and to David Wald for helping compile our field data that evening.

The 2023 Tally Rally (c) Lisa Wald

Bird species observed during the 2023 Evergreen-Idaho Springs Christmas Bird Count, the average number seen from 1969 to 2022, and the high count and year recorded for each species.  Bolded entries are high counts recorded in 2023.

Number per YearHistorical High Count
Common Name1969-20222023numberYear
Cackling Goose<1 208
Canada Goose7 7090
Trumpeter Swan<1  219
Wood Duck<1 193/07
Gadwall<1 110
American Wigeon<1 296
Northern Pintail<1 196/98
Green-winged Teal<1 181
Common Goldeneye<1  118/19
Wild Turkey445 11919
Dusky Grouse<111294
Chukar<1  180
Rock Pigeon7260 21281
Eurasian Collared-Dove63 8115
Mourning Dove<11 316
Wilson’s Snipe11 478/91/00
Great Blue Heron<1 188/90
Black-crowned Night Heron<1 109
Golden Eagle310 1023
Northern Harrier<1 204
Sharp-shinned Hawk15905
Cooper’s Hawk<11209/18/20
American Goshawk1 372/87/11
Bald Eagle1  608
Red-tailed Hawk17294717
Rough-legged Hawk111198
Ferruginous Hawk<1 285
Great Horned Owl23819
Northern Pygmy-Owl1 620
Long-eared Owl<1 174/82
Northern Saw-whet Owl<1 170/21/22
Belted Kingfisher26604/23
Lewis’s Woodpecker<11 123
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker<11180/23
Am. Three-toed Woodpecker<17 723
Downy Woodpecker33588122
Hairy Woodpecker5111711922
Northern (Red-shafted) Flicker20587722
American Kestrel11487/12
Merlin<1 210
Prairie Falcon<1 182
Loggerhead Shrike<1 1several
Northern Shrike45523
Canada Jay13115377
Pinyon Jay4 20072
Steller’s Jay28444464721
Blue Jay<1 195/00
Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay4101811
Clark’s Nutcracker2813113123
Black-billed Magpie21127441317
American Crow7479051,68318
Common Raven12524124123
Horned Lark<1 486
Black-capped Chickadee8516218718
Mountain Chickadee5271,0621,06222/23
Hybrid Chickadee<1 213
Juniper Titmouse<1 182
Bushtit1 1715
Red-breasted Nuthatch5525025023
White-breasted Nuthatch8016218622
Pygmy Nuthatch5131,3221,88122
Brown Creeper15464623
Canyon Wren1 581
Pacific Wren<1  122
Winter Wren<1 275
American Dipper18123787
Golden-crowned Kinglet433318
Ruby-crowned Kinglet<1 283/91
Mountain Bluebird<1 292
Townsend’s Solitaire758520282
American Robin1291921,50072
Gray Catbird<1  118
Brown Thrasher<1 1Several
Northern Mockingbird<1 178
European Starling12410830100
Bohemian Waxwing34 58080
Cedar Waxwing7 16387
House Sparrow9241 37700
Evening Grosbeak128330 42095
Pine Grosbeak1739 10314
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch1096 42984
Black Rosy-Finch6  7004
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch15  14004
Unknown Rosy-Finch12    
House Finch197207 54605
Cassin’s Finch160146 51914
Common Redpoll3  3070
Hoary Redpoll<1  112
Red Crossbill67193 64382
White-winged Crossbill<1  1670
Pine Siskin222117 72308
American Goldfinch1510 17600
Lapland Longspur<16 623
Cassin’s Sparrow<1 171
Chipping Sparrow<1  112
Clay-colored Sparrow<1  183
Fox Sparrow<1  1Several
American Tree Sparrow313784
Dark-eyed Junco (All subspecies)608158 2,17116
Dark-eyed (Gray-headed) Junco19222170819
Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco844327679
Dark-eyed (Pink-sided) Junco274525316
Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) Junco838229375
Dark-eyed  (White-winged) Junco501723273
Dark-eyed  (Cassiar) Junco<11716
White-crowned Sparrow<1  1Several
Golden-crowned Sparrow<1  193
Harris’s Sparrow<1  280
White-throated Sparrow<1  184/06/18
Song Sparrow610 1822
Spotted Towhee<1  475
Red-winged Blackbird67458691
Brown-headed Cowbird<1  109
Brewer’s Blackbird<1 1512
Common Grackle<14423
Great-tailed Grackle<1 107
Yellow-rumped Warbler<1  1315
Number of Species118551323