From the Executive Director

The past few months have been a whirlwind of challenges for Evergreen Audubon and I am continually grateful to be surrounded by such an incredible group of people as we weather these obstacles. As Kathy announced in February, we have been wrestling with the loss of the warming hut on Evergreen Lake, home of our Evergreen Nature Center since its inception in 2008. The board and I have been diligently working to determine possible alternatives for this season, along with the long-term direction of the Evergreen Nature Center. We have been shown resounding community support from multiple organizations reaching out to offer their condolences and possible solutions for this season and onward. It has been encouraging to hear about the impact the Evergreen Nature Center has had in our community and beyond – thank you for sharing memories, and for celebrating the 14 seasons we operated on Evergreen Lake.

While there is a great deal of sadness surrounding the loss of our location on Evergreen Lake, Evergreen Audubon and the Evergreen Nature Center, together, are much more than a specific building. They say when a door closes, a window opens, and I am excited by the windows that have been opening for us. Our loss has been a springboard for larger conversations about the future of the Nature Center and how we can turn this negative into a positive. While I don’t have concrete details to share at this time, there are some very exciting possibilities in front of us. We will emerge from this challenge with a renewed strength and access to opportunities that were previously unavailable to us.

I am excited for this next chapter in our story and see this as a period of growth that will truly strengthen our impact and capabilities. Your continued support and encouragement are appreciated more than you know, and I look forward to embarking on this next adventure with you all.