Upcoming July 9 – Flowers of the Upper Montane Forests, Meadows, and Streams

Upcoming Dates

  • 09
    6:30 am
    12:30 pm
Stonecrop (c) Chuck Aid

All ages and abilities welcome!!  Join Chuck Aid for this Flower Walk on July 9, from 6:30 – 12:30 PM.  For this walk we will be driving up to the Camp Rock Campground at 9000 ft, and hiking in about 1.5 miles to Beaver Meadows in the Mount Evans Wilderness – elevation gain about 400 ft.  Incidentally, even though Mount Blue Sky has been renamed the wilderness area has not – a petition to congress to get this done is available at https://act.wilderness.org/a/rename-evans-wilderness-2?_ga=2.128669580.1879693087.1716672041-1107585286.1716672033.  Our pace will be leisurely, and we will work on plant identifications and characteristics of plant families and plant communities.

Black-eyed Susan with Phycoides butterfly (c) Chuck Aid

Bring adequate water, a snack, rain gear, and appropriate layers; and meet either at the Evergreen Library at 6:30 or at the Camp Rock Campground at 7:10 – details will be sent to registrants.  If you have a favorite field guide to the Rocky Mountain flora, you might want to bring that along as well.

These walks are for Evergreen Audubon members and their guests. Non-members won’t be turned away but will be encouraged to join Evergreen Audubon.  You must register here to attend this event.  If you are registering for more than one person, please enter each person separately.  This event is filled when we have 12 registrants, but it is possible to put yourself on the waitlist and cancellations do occur with some regularity.

Thanks!  Chuck Aid

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Free Ticketshow details + $0.00 USD