
2022 Bird-of-the-Year and Birding Challenge

Each year as part of our annual winter banquet we announce the Bear Creek Watershed Bird-of-the-Year for the prior year and honor those folks who successfully completed our annual Birding Challenge.

2022 Christmas Bird Count – Another Outstanding Year!

While through the course of our 54-year history we’ve averaged about 5,800 birds representing 47 species, this year we recorded about 8,800 birds representing 50 species. And, we added a species never recorded before on our Christmas Bird Count – Pacific Wren.

Highlights from Nov 5 Bird Walk at the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt

While this time of year is always a bit slower, now that fall migration is winding down, this can be a great time to be a beginning birder – not so many leaves to hide the birds and most of the waterfowl are already in breeding plumage ready for next year’s breeding season.