Highlights of June 19 Bird Walk at Beaver Ranch

Let’s not beat around the bush!   We recorded fifty species on our Wednesday outing, which is outstanding! And, I think the big highlight of the day has to have been the twenty or so times we noted some degree of parental care for nestlings and fledglings.

Highlights of Dawn Chorus, May 5

At 6:00 on Sunday morning it was quite brisk outside, but already the House Finches, Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Grackles, and American Robins were singing away, and thirty or so of us were ready to drink some coffee, eat some great breakfast items, and embrace the Dawn Chorus.

Highlights from April 20 Weld County Birding Expedition

On a chilly, snowy Saturday we visited ten different small reservoirs in northern Adams and Weld Counties.  Additionally, we also managed to find a much appreciated Taco John’s in Greeley.  Given what a bone-chilling day it was we were pleased to record 62 species. 

Highlights from April 6 Bird Walk at Red Rocks

First of all, no participants or spotting scopes were blown over and it didn’t rain or snow.  Additionally, on the positive side, there were only a few people visiting the park on a Saturday morning, so it didn’t feel so overrun.  

Huge gray herons with large yellow-orange bills, short black plumes on head, and chestnut patch on shoulder; at their nest in the branches of a dead cottonwood above a lake.

Highlights of March 23 Bird Walk at the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt

The main highlight of the morning was a female Rusty Blackbird foraging among the small rounded boulders along Clear Creek.  Rusties are the least well-known North American blackbirds, breeding in wet subarctic taiga forests along bogs, muskeg swamps, and beaver ponds, and wintering in the eastern United States south of the Great Lakes and occurring rarely in Colorado.