From the President

It’s Bash planning time! We are very excited that the 2022 Bash and Benefit for the Evergreen Nature Center will most likely be held at the Hiwan Golf Club – allowing us to be together for a traditional Evergreen Audubon fundraiser. There are several ways you can help us make this year’s event the most successful yet:

  • Join our planning committee: Do you have ideas for how to make the bash more fun, attract more participants, or of course raise more funds?
  • Share your (and your friends) hidden talents: Do you, your family members, or friends have a skill or an activity you can host that folks would bid on? In the past we’ve had dutch-oven dinners, star-gazing soirées, bat walks at Evergreen Lake, gardening services, condo/cabin getaways and parties for learning how to make ravioli, pizza, custom greeting-card and ceramic painting. Think outside the box – I was at a MALT fundraiser once and they were auctioning off a session in a flight simulator! Our supporters love to bid on experiences, especially ones they enjoy or have never done before.
  • Donate a gift basket of consumable goods: People love to pamper themselves, their pets, familly members and friends. Get creative and put together a basket of treats, such as a cookbook and ingredients for its best recipes, some wine glasses and a few bottles from your favorite vinyard, coupons for local spa services, unusual beers from around the state/world, tickets/memberships to local museums, or even soups for two for six months. Gather the things that you love, I’m sure fellow Audubon members would enjoy them too.
  • Donate restaurant gift cards: Almost all our donated gift cards bring in more than their face value. I guess everyone loves to eat and support a good cause at the same time.
  • Spread the word and plan to attend: Mark your calendar for Friday. April 22nd and start telling your neighbors, friends and family about the event. The more folks who attend the event the better chances of us reaching our funding goals!

Please let me know how you’d like to help or have any questions about the event. I’d also be glad to chat with you about your ideas. Contact me at

It’s Nest Box Sales time of year too! Thanks to lots of volunteers last fall, we have plenty of bluebird, chickadee, and flicker nest boxes. We will be selling boxes outside the local grocery stores on Saturday, March 26th (either at Safeway and/or King Soopers). We’ll also be selling boxes online and coordinating pick-up and deliveries. Please let me know if you can help with this effort.
