Ann Bonnell – In Memoriam

Ann Bonnell passed away this past month, appropriately enough right in the middle of this year’s Christmas Bird Counts (CBC). For many years she led the Vance Creek (Evans Ranch) area for the Evergreen-Idaho Springs CBC.

The 2024 Great Backyard Bird Count

The 27th annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is a global four-day event, being held this year from Friday, February 16, through Monday, February 19, 2024.

2023 – Our 55th Christmas Bird Count

For our 55th Christmas Bird Count we had an all-time high of 86 folks in the field recording 5,751 birds, including two new species – Lewis’s Woodpecker and Lapland Longspur. We also had 58 Feeder-Counters record an additional 1,758 birds.

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