Members and friends gathered on June 5th for the bittersweet occasion of thanking Brad Andres and Heather Johnson for their many years of participation andRead More
I prepared and sent this letter about Bear Creek Lake to the US Army Corps of Engineers on behalf of our Chapter. June 2, 2022Read More
Our crew of bird walk participants met at the Camp Rock Campground at 7:30 on Saturday morning, just three days after the Mount Evans State Wildlife Area was opened to the public.
As Saturday’s participants will attest Beaver Ranch, which is operated and managed by a local non-profit in agreement with Jeffco Open Space, is an “interesting” place.
The Bird Conservancy of the Rockies in conjunction with Denver Audubon has been running the banding station at Chatfield State Park each spring at the peak of landbird migration for about thirty years. In the fall, with a focus again on migrant landbirds, a comparable effort is conducted at Barr Lake State Park.
As we launch into the busyness of our summer season, I have been reflecting on the difference one year can make. June of 2021 wasRead More