Small smudgy gray, brown, and white diving bird floating on the water.

March 13 Birding with PEO (a Philanthropic and Educational Organization)

As Evergreen Audubon continues to expand its network of local organizations with whom we share an affinity for nature, conservation, and education, we began with the Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) by giving one of their four Evergreen chapters a presentation about Evergreen Audubon back in November.  This was followed up this past week by taking some of their members and spouses on a bird walk down at South Platte Park.

Great Backyard Bird Count 2023

The 26th annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is a global four-day event, being held this year from Friday, February 17, through Monday, February 20, 2023.

Small male duck on the water with cinnamon head having a green swoosh behind the eye and a vertical white bar in front of the wing.

Highlights of Feb 4 Bird Walk to South Platte Park

What a nice mild winter morning we had this past Saturday, though a bit chilly on the front end. We worked quite a while on basic duck identification, focusing primarily on the drakes and trying to get familiar with all the players in the game.

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