Bovidae (Cow family)

Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus)

large mountain goat laying on grass
Mountain goat. (credit: US Forest Service)

Rarely found below the tree line, Mountain Goats are often seen on Mt. Evans road above Echo Lake. Despite their name, they are more closely related to cows than to goats. They are not a native species but were introduced to Colorado for sport (hunting) in the 1940s. Both billies (males) and nannies (females) have shaggy white coats and short, pointed black horns. Their young are called kids.

Big Horn Sheep (Ovis Canadensis)

two Bighorn sheep in brown grassy area
Bighorn Sheep. (credit: US Forest Service)


Colorado’s state mammal, Bighorn Sheep are often seen along the I-70 Corridor near Idaho Springs and Georgetown. There is also a large herd in Waterton Canyon in Littleton. Colorado has the largest population of Bighorn Sheep found anywhere in the world. Greyish brown with paler bellies and whitish rumps, ewes have short spikey horns. Mature rams can weigh up to 300 pounds and their magnificent horns make up as much as 10% of that.