Nine of us took a very leisurely stroll up to Beaver Meadows this past Saturday, and, in fact, it was so leisurely that we barely made it there. We just kept finding too many fun plants that grabbed our attention. Fortunately, we did finally make it and we got to see such great flowers as Parry’s Harebell, Blue-eyed Grass, and Prairie Smoke, all species that like mountain meadows.
However, I’m getting ahead of myself and need to go back to our start at Camp Rock Campground, which is sometimes hard to get out of because of the variety of flowers present where open meadow and aspen, on one hand, meet mature spruce-fir forest on the other. I like to begin there by exploring what I call “roadside riparian,” aka the ditch. Water runs off these hard road surfaces causing more moisture to be available in the ditch and generally results in more flowers in that area e.g., Mountain Parsley, Yarrow, Black-eyed Susan, and Common Harebell.
Moving into the shade of the dense, tall spruce growing along a tiny creek, we found many wonderful flowers, including Tall Chiming Bells, Twisted-stalk, Wild Strawberry, and Canada Violet. A real highlight was getting to see Green Pyrola and Pink Pyrola. These members of the Pyrolaceae, or Wintergreen Family, are among my favorites. Generally, they grow in deeply shaded forests, and because they are not very tall, and their blossoms hang downward, they can be easily missed. A few flowering shrubs were profuse in this area, Red Elderberry, Twinberry, and Raspberry.
We then climbed up through a somewhat less flowered portion of the forest composed primarily of Lodgepole Pine with a few scattered Rock Cresses. However, moving out on to a beautiful south-facing slope of scattered aspen and ponderosa we chanced upon another group of flowers including Nodding Onion, Black-eyed Susan, Pearly Everlasting, Western Wallflower, Alumroot, and One-sided Penstemon. A favorite of mine here is Blue Mist Penstemon whose name captures the ambience created by a whole patch of these vividly blue flowers growing all together. In some wet spots we found Shooting Star, Green Bog-orchid, and Little Red Elephant.
Good botanizing to you all,
Equisetum arvense COMMON HORSETAIL
Juniperus communis COMMON JUNIPER
Pinus flexilis LIMBER PINE
Pinus ponderosa PONDEROSA PINE
Pinus contorta LODGEPOLE PINE
Picea engelmannii ENGELMANN SPRUCE
Abies lasiocarpa SUBALPINE FIR
Heracleum sphondylium COW PARSNIP
Pseudocymopterus montanus MOUNTAIN PARSLEY
Achillea millefolium, lanulosa YARROW
Antennaria rosea PINK PUSSYTOES
Anaphalis margaritacea PEARLY EVERLASTING
Artemisia ludoviciana WESTERN MUGWORT
Arnica cordifolia HEART-LEAVED ARNICA
Erigeron flagellaris WHIPLASH DAISY
Rudbeckia hirta BLACK-EYED SUSAN
Senecio spp SENECIO SPP
Tragopogon dubius YELLOW SALSIFY
Alnus tenuifolia ALDER
Betula fontinalis RIVER BIRCH
Mertensia ciliata TALL CHIMING BELLS
Mertensia lanceolata LANCELEAF CHIMING BELLS
Draba spp DRABA SPP
Arabis spp ROCKCRESS
Sambucus racemose RED ELDERBERRY
Lonicera involucrata TWINBERRY
Campanula rotundifolia COMMON HAREBELL
Campanula parryi PARRY’S HAREBELL
Artostaphylos uva-ursi KINNIKINNICK
Cerastium strictum MOUSE-EAR CHICKWEED
Amerosedum lanceolatum YELLOW STONECROP
Astragalus spp VETCH SPP
Thermopsis divaricarpa GOLDEN BANNER
Trifolium pratense RED CLOVER
Aquilegia coerulea COLORADO COLUMBINE
Delphinium barbeyi SUBALPINE LARKSPUR
Geranium caespitosum WILD GERANIUM
Geranium richardsonii RICHARDSON’S GERANIUM
Hydrophyllum fendleri WATERLEAF
Phacelia heterophylla SCORPIONWEED
Allium cernuum NODDING ONION
Streptopus fassettii TWISTEDSTALK
Chamerion danielsii FIREWEED
Limnorchis hyperborea GREEN BOG-ORCHID
Ipomopsis aggregate FAIRY TRUMPET
Dodecatheon pulchellum SHOOTING STAR
Pyrola chlorantha GREEN PYROLA
Pyrola rotudifolia PINK PYROLA
Thalictrum fendleri FENDLER MEADOWRUE
Drymocallis fissa LEAFY POTENTILLA
Potentilla spp CINQUEFOIL
Fragaria virginiana WILD STRAWBERRY
Rubus idaeus RASPBERRY
Jamesia americana WAXFLOWER
Pentaphylloides floribunda SHRUBBY CINQUEFOIL
Padus virginiana CHOKECHERRY
Populus tremuloides QUAKING ASPEN
Salix spp WILLOW spp
Galium septentrionale NORTHERN BEDSTRAW
Heuchera parvifolia COMMON ALUMROOT
Castilleja miniate SCARLET PAINTBRUSH
Pedicularis bracteosa BRACTED LOUSEWORT
Pedicularis groenlandica LITTLE RED ELEPHANT
Valeriana edulis VALERIAN
Penstemon virens BLUE MIST PENSTEMON
Penstemon virgatus ONE-SIDED PENSTEMON
Penstemon whippleanus WHIPPLE PENSTEMON
Thalictrum fendleri MEADOWRUE
Viola scopulorum CANADA VIOLET
Viola nuttali YELLOW VIOLET