Help Wanted!

We have lots going on and we need lots of help! Can you volunteer?

Elevation Celebration!

Saturday & Sunday, July 30-31st

Evergreen Audubon is a vendor at Conifer’s Elevation Celebration street fair event! We need volunteer help to staff the table, interact with visitors, and facilitate gift shop sales – simple training provided. Shifts are divided into 2-hour increments and additional details will be provided! Before or after your shift, you are welcome to explore the event and see some of the musical performances. Please contact Emma Vasicek via email at if you are able to help.

Summer Camp Volunteers

July 11-15, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm and July 25-29, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

We are in need of volunteer support to help run these half-day camps throughout the summer and would greatly appreciate your assistance! A volunteer shift would be 3-hours in length and would include offsite transportation to Open Space Parks throughout the week. We start and end each camp day at the Evergreen Nature Center. 

Evergreen Nature Center Visitor Assistants

We are in continual need of additional support at the Nature Center this summer! If you are able to help, please check Volgistics for open time slots. And if you’d like a refresher for the year, and weren’t able to attend the group trainings, let me know and we can connect for a training session. 

We are looking for volunteers to greet folks at Nature Center and make them feel at home in our little gem on the Evergreen Lake. You do not need to be a naturalist or know anything about our flora and fauna to help us out — you just have to have the desire to learn. Our trained staff and seasoned Visitor Assistants will share their knowledge with you and gradually get you up to speed.