Become a Corporate Sponsor

Evergreen Nature Center is seeking corporate sponsors for the season and our Annual Bash & Benefit!

Corporate Sponsorship Amounts:

  • Golden Eagle Sponsorship: $1,000
  • Blue Heron Sponsorship: $500
  • Kingfisher Sponsorship: $300
  • Bash & Benefit Underwriter: $1,200 (1 sponsor available)
  • Bash & Benefit Bar Sponsorship: $500 (1 sponsor available) – SOLD
  • Bash & Benefit Catering Station Sponsorship: $300 (5 sponsors available) – (almost gone)
  • Bash & Benefit Dessert Table Sponsorship: $125 (1 sponsor available)  – SOLD
  • Bash & Benefit Taxidermy Sponsorship: $100 (6 sponsors available) – (almost gone)


It costs about $75,000 a year just to keep the Nature Center’s doors open and the lights on. Your sponsorship also helps pay the staff (a full-time Director and a part-time Seasonal Naturalist), keep the exhibits fresh, and provide training and support for the dozens of volunteers who make visits to the Nature Center engaging and memorable.

Most of the Nature Center’s funding (85%) comes from donations from individuals, families and sponsors like you. Please join Evergreen Audubon members and friends, local businesses and professionals to support this community treasure.

Most seasons, the Nature Center, welcomes over 10,000 visitors, including locals, tourists from around the world, and hundreds of individuals and families who come up the hill from Denver and the suburbs every week. They left with a deeper understanding of the Bear Creek watershed and the flora and fauna that make this place unique. They also spend their money in local restaurants and shops and patronize other local businesses, benefiting all of us.

Corporate Sponsors of over a $300 donation (or in-kind donations) receive recognition at the Nature Center throughout the season, highlighted on our website and at monthly meetings, and an invitation to our annual donor appreciation party.

Blue Heron sponsors also receive a framed certificate and Golden Eagle sponsors receive a plaque.

Note: Sending a check saves credit card fees. Make sure you include the word “Sponsorship” on your check. Send your sponsorship check to: Evergreen Audubon, PO Box 523, Evergreen, CO 80437.

Evergreen Audubon is a 501(c)(3) organization registered in Colorado. Our tax id is 51-015419

Thank you for your support!