From the President–July 2024

person - Melissa Leasia

Wow!  The 2024 BASH and BENEFIT is behind us and we are still basking in the glow. We had a record turnout and the event netted nearly $30,000 – all of which will go directly to support our year-round nature center, including operating costs and the salaries for our amazing, full-time executive director and two part-time nature educators. If you weren’t able to join us at the BASH, you can still participate in the Paddle Raise to support key efforts – animal care, outreach, and program scholarships. Thank you!

The hall at The Elks Club was transformed with charming, donated centerpieces, some of our favorite taxidermy from the nature center, and photos of the year in review. 50+ silent auction items and experiences were bid up aggressively; paddles were waved generously; and a new BASH tradition, the Beaks and Tailfeathers raffle led by Ann Dodson and her granddaughter, Nora, had everyone laughing and clapping, especially when Brad Andres, the winner, generously donated his cash prize back to the pot.

SAVE THE DATE: We have already set June 6, 2025 as the date for next year’s BASH AND BENEFIT. You won’t want to miss it.

Thank you to dozens of volunteers, donors, sponsors, and all the people who attended, bid, waved, and generously supported Evergreen Nature Center.  It was a wonderful evening and a big success financially.

BASH and BENEFIT Photos (c) Ann Dodson

Now, on to the business of summer!  Thank you to the folks who came out to clean up our adopted section of CO 73. The new Bird Garden behind the nature center has been planted – with a fence, irrigation, and a new feeding station installed. Camps are in full swing, the Triple By-Pass is in a few weeks, and the annual picnic is coming up soon.

Evergreen Audubon has had a summer picnic since the organization was founded in 1968. While we don’t have Sylvia Brockner’s fried chicken or Bill Brockner’s entertaining stories anymore, We will provide pulled pork and vegetarian black bean sandwiches.  We are asking everyone to bring a dish to share. This year, we’ll be at Bancroft Meadow, with Douglas Hall available in case of rain. Both are next door to the nature center. Get more details.

BYOB, BYOC, BYOTS, BASDTS, and don’t forget to BES.  (Bring your own bottle, chair, table settings, a side dish to share and entertaining stories). AND: Bring a salad, side, or dessert to share according to where your name falls in the alphabet. For more information, see the picnic article in this newsletter or click on July 21 on the website calendar. All ages are welcome! Favorite yard games are encouraged.  

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone there!