From the President

As we wrap up 2022, I want to remind you that it’s time for Evergreen Audubon Elections, Colorado Gives, the Christmas Bird Count & Tally Rally, and the last chance to meet the 2022 Birding Challenge.

Evergreen Audubon Elections are on December 1st during the Chapter Meeting or via proxy vote. Thanks to all those who have come forward or agreed to continue to serve on the board.

We will be voting for the following slate of board members:

green letters spelling Vote
  • Ann Dodson, Secretary (renewing term)
  • Ed Furlong, Chapter Meeting Programming (renewing term)
  • Melissa Leasia, Communications (renewing term)
  • Stephanie Gomolka, At Large (renewing term, but switching roles)
  • Chris Marr, Treasurer (new board member)
  • Carol Burdick, At Large (new board member)

Additional board members whose terms are still active who don’t need a vote are:

  • Kathy Madison, President
  • Lisa Wald, Vice President
  • Chuck Aid, Bird Monitoring
  • JoAnn Hackos, Conservation
  • Holly Marr, Social Events (switching from At Large)
  • Rachel Hutchison, At Large (switching from Treasurer)
  • Linda Engelhart, At Large

Only active Evergreen Audubon members are eligible to vote. If you are an active member and will not be at the Chapter Meeting, please contact with your proxy vote; in your email, please indicate Yes or No for the proposed election slate. You get two votes for a family membership and one for an individual or student membership.

Many thanks to Brad Andres, who is leaving his At-Large position at the end of this year. He has been a board member since 2010 and has been instrumental in growing Evergreen Audubon and our Nature Center. He will be greatly missed, but we hope he enjoys retirement in Laramie, WY.

Logo for 2022 Colorado Gives Day

Colorado Gives day is just around the corner on Tuesday, December 6th. If you have already made an early donation to support Evergreen Audubon & the Evergreen Nature Center, THANK YOU!!! If you haven’t supported us yet this year, please consider doing so. Your funds help us create, maintain and enhance our mountain area nature-based programming for both adults and children. Remember, your donation goes further when you contribute through Colorado Gives; the Community First Foundation will contribute additional funds based on our total donations. Make your donation at

How are you doing on Evergreen Audubon’s Birding challenge? So, what is the birding challenge?

people smiling with ballcaps on
Mike Foster, Dina Baker & Ed Furlong celebrating their 2018 Birding Challenge win!

In 2016, we launched the Bear Creek Watershed Birding Challenge to mark the 100th birthday of the Migratory Bird Treaty between the United States and Canada. To become a Challenge Club member and win the exclusive Challenge Club cap, you must see or hear the following number of species in one or more of the six geographic regions:

There’s still time to add migrating waterfowl and resident wintering birds to your count! The Challenge runs throughout the calendar year, from January 1 to December 31, 2022. Good Luck and Happy Birding.

  • Bear Creek Watershed: 111 species
  • Jefferson County: 130 species
  • Clear Creek County: 75 species
  • Gilpin County: 64 species
  • Park County: 102 species
  • The State of Colorado: 171

These lists are not mutually exclusive; if you see a Dipper in downtown Evergreen, you can count it for the Bear Creek Watershed, Jefferson county, and the State of Colorado. Where’s the Bear Creek Watershed – visit the Nature Center for details or check out our map.

I hope to see you all at the Christmas Bird Count Tally Rally! And I wish you all a Happy Holiday!
