Friends Remember Louise Mounsey

We were sorry to learn that Louise Mounsey, one of Evergreen Audubon’s (The Evergreen Naturalists) founders, passed away on February 8. Many members and friends have fond memories and wonderful photos of Louise. Here are just a few that have been shared with us. Thank you especially to Louise’s daughter, Diana Donavan, for the early photos.

A Life Well Lived – Marjorie Clinton

Even though she missed her 100th birthday, she WAS in the 100th year of her very fulfilling life. She was a delight to know – always kind and gracious. “a life well-lived” says it all.

Hanging Out in Evergreen with Louise – Marilyn Rhodes

After she turned in her car keys, I enjoyed taking Louise on outings. She loved to cruise Evergreen, enjoying each of our different seasons and discovering changes in town. In September 2015, after having lunch at Willow Creek near the lake, we went on a search for bugling elk. Luckily, love was in the air and the rut was in full force. We found a herd with several big bulls bugling and sparring at the golf course and, to our delight, we also came across a rarer sight, a bull wallowing in the mud near the high school.

Louise was pleasantly surprised by the number of cute Little Free Libraries that had sprung up around town and thought she might have some books to contribute. We lunched at Willow Creek Restaurant that day because she wanted to gift them some bird field guides. She asked me to help round some up, which I did. She thought patrons sitting on their patio during the summer would enjoy using them to identify the many hummingbirds at their feeders. Louise was a very good friend of the restaurant owner’s grandmother, Freddie Lincoln, another Evergreen icon. Freddie had written a book of poetry and promised Louise a copy and she wanted to return the favor.

Gardening Mentor – Pam Hinish

Within a short time of meeting Louise at an Evergreen Garden Club meeting, she became my gardening mentor. Like so many others in Evergreen, I have plants started from one of hers (my wonderful hens and chicks!). It’s amazing how many home gardens in Evergreen have her influence in their design as well as plants from her gardens. She also left her mark on two of the garden club’s public gardens, the Victorian and Herb Gardens at Hiwan Homestead. One of my fun gardening memories is growing horseradish from a start of hers. Later, she joined us for a beef roast dinner and taught us how to use fresh horseradish – wow, quite a kick!!

Five women, one seated and holding a yellow plate with a piece of cake, with a background of grass and trees.
Louise Mounsey (seated) with Sylvia Robertson, Marge Petersen, Elaine Mongeau and Trish Baker at the Sculpture and Garden dedication (Marilyn Rhodes photo)

The Flowers for a Friend group (Sandy Swan, Tina Kellogg, John Ellis, Ken Ball, and I) had so much fun over several years with Bill and Louise planning for the sculpture honoring them. We met a couple times a month at Creekside Cellars where we were treated royally and all enjoyed their wines! Ken Ball, the sculptor, was part of the group and Louise was its inspiration. She also helped design the garden where the sculpture sits.

University of the Wilderness – Sylvia Robertson

Louise and Bill invited our Audubon group to the University of the Wilderness in Wyoming for a weekend of hiking and birding. I cherish the memory of being out all day and then returning to relax in the huge dining room area.  While we were lounging about in this very quiet atmosphere, Louise was in the kitchen cooking our dinner.  A comment was made that we were in for a gourmet experience, because Louse was a wonderful cook and would be using the herbs she had brought from her Evergreen garden.  It was all true.