Upcoming Sept 23 – Plum Creek at Chatfield Bird Walk

Upcoming Dates

  • 23
    7:00 am
    11:30 am
Franklin’s Gull (c) AlanMurphyPhotography

All ages and abilities welcome!  Join Chuck Aid for our Monday, September 23 bird walk along Plum Creek at Chatfield State Park from 7:00 to 11:30 AM.  Chatfield State Park surrounds the large reservoir built at the confluence of the South Platte River, Deer Creek, and Plum Creek.  The lake can be very good for waterfowl and shorebirds, while the extensive cottonwood gallery forests can have lots of small landbirds.  In addition, portions of the park have shortgrass prairie.  The diversity of habitats results in the park having the greatest bird species diversity of any other location in the southwest metro area.  We’ll visit a variety of locations near the Plum Creek Delta and along Plum Creek where we’ll do a fair amount of walking.

Osprey (c) AlanMurphyPhotography

Bring water, a snack, and meet at the Plum Creek picnic area at 7:00.  Details will be provided to registrants.

These walks are for Evergreen Audubon members and their guests. Non-members won’t be turned away but will be encouraged to join Evergreen Audubon.  You must register here to attend this event.  If you are registering for more than one person, please enter each person separately.  This event is filled when we have 12 registrants, but it is possible to put yourself on the waitlist and cancellations do occur with some regularity.

Thanks!  Chuck Aid

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Free Ticketshow details + $0.00 USD