Upcoming Nature Bookclub

Upcoming Dates

Evergreen Audubon’s Nature Book Club is open to members and friends who enjoy reading and discussing books that have a natural history focus. Over the years the group has read books on a wide variety of conservation and wildlife topics:  birds, insects, biologists, turtles, beavers, whales, rivers, foxes, climate change, moss, fungi, and trees to name just a few. If you enjoy reading the book reviews that JoAnn Hackos writes for the eDipper, you are sure to enjoy these animated monthly discussions.

Books and meetings for the next several months will be:

  • Cull of the Wild: Killing in the Name of Conservation by Hugh Warwick
    Monday, March 10, at 3pm at Evergreen Library
  • Eloquence of the Sardine: Extraordinary Encounters Beneath the Sea by Bill Francois
    Monday, April 14, at 3pm at Evergreen Library
  • Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future by Elizabeth Kolbert
    Monday May 12, at 3pm at Evergreen Library

Most months, the group meets the second Monday of the month at 3:00 pm, in one of three locations: Evergreen Nature Center (on the front porch when the weather is nice); Evergreen Library; or the 2nd floor conference room at Rocky Mountain Village at 31739 Rocky Village Road.

If you want to join the Book Club, please contact JoAnn Hackos at JoAnn.Hackos@EvergreenAudubon.org or at JoAnn@jhackos.com to let her know and to be added to the Book Club list.


Venue Phone: 303-235-5275

Venue Website:

5000 Co Rd 73, Evergreen, Colorado, 80439, United States