Upcoming Discovery Program: Geology Rocks!

Upcoming Dates

  • 20
    1:00 pm
    2:00 pm

3-d colored poster of geology cross-section with 6 rocks in front of itDo you know how the Rocky Mountains got their name?

Spend some time exploring the geology of Colorado with real rock samples and magnifying glasses! Learn how to identify some common rocks and minerals.
This FREE program is geared toward families. No registration required – just show up!


Venue Phone: 303-330-0489

27640 CO-74, Evergreen, Colorado, 80439, United States


The Evergreen Nature Center is in the historic Bancroft House on the Church of the Transfiguration Historical Campus.

The address is: 27640 CO-74, Evergreen, CO

Map showing the location of Evergreen Nature Center in relationship to CO Map of Highway 74, east downtown Evergreen, sowing location on Evergreen Natures Center on the Church of the Transfiguration campus