Chris Marr, Treasurer

a woman with braids and a hat on the left, and a man with a blue vest and hat on the right

While studying for his BA in US Economic and Business History at the University of Minnesota, Chris started my corporate career in finance at a regional bank in Minneapolis. After quickly advancing in the organization, he was was given the opportunity to transfer to Colorado in 1996 to help establish a new division here in the Denver metro area.  Fortunately, Chris and Holly had friends in the Evergreen area and moved directly to this wonderful community.  In 2001, the entrepreneur bug bit and he and Holly purchased an establish local business, then a second one in 2007. 

Along the way, Holly and Chris’ love of nature led them to the ocean and scuba diving, and they became dive instructors in 2010.  Chris grew up in Northern Minnesota where he was always outdoors and active in nature but it was seeing the underwater world that really put the need for environmental conservation focus for him.  He says, “I’ve been very fortunate to have seen a lot of our planet; dove in 4 of the 5 oceans of the world, hiked and explored 5 of the 7 continents, seen sunrises on the top of Maui, Heli skied unnamed couloirs in Canada, explored the wonders of southern New Zealand, dove with pelagic manta rays in the Maldives, photographed grizzly bears in Yellowstone, birded in the rain forests of Australia, admired all of the big five in Krueger national park in South Africa, and explored the pristine waters of the cenotes of Mexico.”

Chris reports that he is excited and honored to help the Evergreen Audubon and the Evergreen community and do his part to preserve this wonderful world we live in for future generations to come.