Blast from the Past – The Ballad of TENAS

This Ballad was created by Marilyn Rhodes for The Evergreen Naturalist Audubon’s Society’s (TENAS) 30th Anniversary Celebration held on September 13, 1998. The Ballad is sung to the tune of “The Ballad of Davy Crockett.” I found the lyrics in a box of old Dipper newsletters that came from Louise Mounsey.

Born in a mountain town was TENAS,
In a still undeveloped community
The good folks who lived here wanted to be
Among critters and birds that were wild and free.

Thank you, thank you founders1
Leadin’ the pioneers
Thank you, thank you presidents2
Seein’ your duty clear

Fought single-handed through the “Wetlands War”
‘Til the city was whipped and peace was in store
Then they tackled a risky chore
Preserving mountain Open Space for evermore

Thank you, thank you offices3
Savin’ what we hold dear
Thank you, thank you board members4
You’re folks who don’t know fear

Sent our folks to the statehouse to serve a spell
Watchin’ legislators and laws as well
Heard all the way to Washington, so I heard tell
Stoppin’ takings bills and given ’em hell

Thank you, thank you watchdogs
For all you overhear5
Thank you, thank you committee chairs6
Can we buy you a beer?

Our members don’t relax when politickin’s done
Cause nest box building has just begun
Or they pack their gear for birding fun
And set up a grinnin’ to follow the sun

Thank you, thank you volunteers
We’re sure glad you’re here7
Thank you, thank you members
We hold you very dear8

For three decades we’ve been singin’ our song
In the seventies with just hone hundred strong9
The eighties brought growth where it didn’t belong10
In the nineties we’re working to right what’s wrong11

Thank you, thank you ALL
For all you’ve volunteered
Thank you, thank you ALL
For all you’ve volunteered

As Marilyn and others sang the ballad, folks from the audience held up the following items.

1 Bill Mounsey: founder – stick with 1968 banner
2 Cathy Shelton: president – gavel and Abe hat
3 Mary Pugh: treasurer – calculator & green eye shad
4 Cal Gibbons: board member – parchment constitution & by-laws
5 Carl: watchdog – letter to congress spy gear – Mildred help
6 Irma Wolf: committee chair – green volunteer apron
7 Fran Enright: hammer, bird house
8 Ives: bird nerd
9 Edna Claire Thomas: 1970’s aluminum recycling cans
10 Eleanor Hoover: 1980’s Open Space prop
11 Kent Simon: 1990’s bird in the balance prop