
cartoon hands in the air

Evergreen Audubon has been built by volunteers. Without so many dedicated people, we wouldn’t be able to accomplish nearly as much in conservation and education. Consider becoming a volunteer and helping us as we continue to grow. We’ve got opportunities for people with a wide variety of skills and interests. Some volunteer positions are behind the scenes, some are seasonal, and others require regularly scheduled commitments. Descriptions of our various volunteer positions are found below.

Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers!

volunteer statistics for 2023

Why Volunteer With Us?

  • Gain a sense of satisfaction from helping to protect our environment and introducing others to the value of conservation
  • Increase your own knowledge about the natural world
  • Create great friendships with like-minded people
  • Learn new skills that are transferable to other activities in your life
  • Participate in annual field trips created and provided just for volunteers
  • Get a 20% discount at the Evergreen Nature Center gift shop and for programs with fees
  • Attend volunteer dinners and award ceremonies

How to Become a Volunteer

Please fill out the online Volunteer Application, and we will contact you ASAP! Thank you!

Behind The Scenes Opportunities

  1. Community Science: Assist with nest box surveys (help record the number of nests, eggs, and fledglings); Assist with the Bird Surveys (help identify and track species breeding in specific areas of the watershed); Lead or participate in the annual Christmas Bird Count groups.
  2. Development and Fundraising:  Stuff and sort mailings; Assist with fundraising events (solicit silent action items; Set up and tear down, etc.); Research new sources of funding and help prepare grant proposals; Provide on-site help during the Evergreen Triple Bypass bicycle event; Sell Dam Ducky Derby ducks and help out on Dam Ducky Derby day; Sell and distribute Christmas wreaths; Construct and sell bluebird and chickadee nest boxes.
  3. Marketing & Social Media: Help maintain social media accounts; Post events to local news sources including newspapers and online calendars; Contribute articles to the Evergreen Audubon Website and e-Dipper Newsletter; Proofread the website and the Dipper; Organize and maintain electronic photo files; Distribute flyers for special events.
  4. Social: Greet members and guests at chapter meetings and special events; Set up/take down refreshments and snacks at chapter meetings; Help organize food and activities for the annual membership picnic; Assist with organizing the Tally Rally (December pot-luck dinner) and the Annual Meeting (January catered dinner and program).
  5. Special Task Forces: Coordinate database design and data entry for membership; fundraising, volunteer and program participation records; Provide financial and organizational consulting for the Evergreen Audubon endowment.

Public Engagement Opportunities

  1. Visitor Assistant at Nature Center: In our new location we need volunteers to help staff the nature center, especially during the summer, starting in June. Visitors stop by the nature center to learn something new or perhaps they are attending a program or event. Visitor Assistants help our guests learn new and interesting things about nature in the Bear Creek Watershed and answer questions about the Nature Center exhibits. This opportunity requires a commitment to attend 3 training sessions and then to volunteer for at least 12 hours per year.
  2. Education/Program Support: Evergreen Audubon offers a variety of established and custom-designed programs for youth groups, scouts, 4-H, classroom and other school groups, and for adults. If you are an educator already or are outgoing, comfortable speaking to groups, knowledgeable about nature and conversation, and interested in sharing what you know and learning even more, we would love to have you join our team of staff and volunteers.
  3. Exhibit Assistant: Every year the Evergreen Nature Center changes up exhibits so that there is always something new and different to see. We like to create interactive exhibits that get people thinking and doing new things. If you have a creative streak, are skilled with graphic design, or are handy with power tools, sewing machines, and the like, please consider helping with exhibits. Planning and building can happen throughout the year followed by installation. Exhibit repairs throughout the year are often needed, as well.
  4. Wildlife Watch Team Volunteer: Are you passionate about our mountain wildlife and keeping both animals and people safe? Wildlife Watch Team volunteers spend time outdoors at Evergreen Lake, engaging with and educating visitors about local wildlife and human/wildlife conflicts. Volunteers model best practices for recreation around wildlife and use the nature center’s traveling exhibits to teach visitors to the lake about wildlife safely without stressing the animals. Volunteers are especially needed during Elk calving (May-June) and during the Elk rut (September-October). The Wildlife Watch Team is a joint effort of Denver Parks and Recreation, Evergreen Audubon, and Wild Aware.