Highlights of the August 14 Bird Walk for Beginners at Evergreen Lake

It was great to meet Gail, Elena, and Heather – all beginning birders – who were attentive and excited to learn about several Evergreen bird species.

We began our outing at Evergreen Lake and walked the Boardwalk.  It was encouraging to see many swallows including Violet-green and Barn swooping for bugs on the water.  A Song Sparrow, Canada Geese and Mallard were spotted but I was surprised we didn’t see or hear a single Red-winged Blackbird at the Lake. We enjoyed reviewing the Boardwalk Bird List that Evergreen Audubon volunteers have maintained for at least 25 years. Bill Brockner (EA Co- founder) and Warren Roske (long-time member) kept the list up for several years and Warren handled it for 15+ years (thanks a lot Warren)! The bird list is now managed by Evergreen Audubon board member Tom Ryon.

After exploring the lake area, we made our way back to our vehicles and carpooled across the road to Dedisse Park where we saw and/or heard the following:

Mountain Chickadees, American Robin, Northern Red-shafted Flicker, Hairy Woodpecker, and House Finch were all observed. Pygmy Nuthatches abounded singing their unique song loudly throughout the hike. Western Bluebird juveniles were fed by mom; many Western Wood-pewees serenaded our entire 2-hour hike – still holding onto their nesting territories before heading South soon. Broad-tailed Hummingbird males were zipping around, and one harassed a non-hummer bird.  He was behaving very territorially, which I found amusing.  Pine Siskins flitted with their usual squeaks, and a White-breasted Nuthatch and Western Flycatcher were heard. A grand total of 15 species of birds. 

With the recent rains, the pine aromas were spectacular so besides enjoying the birds, we occasionally took a big sniff of the August Ponderosa Pine bark – which smelled wonderful like always this time of year.  Stick your nose right in the bark of a big tree – you’ll love it.  A nice tradition I learned from Sylvia Brockner many years ago.  She thought it smelled like Vanilla – I think it smells like a beautiful forest.

So, lucky me, a great hike with great gals and when I drove back to the Lake to drop the birders at their cars, Larry White, an old friend I hadn’t seen for over a year, was standing there with his adorable doggie, Ginger.  We met at the coffee shop across the road and got caught up. Perfect way to end a successful outing. 

NOTE BIRDING TIP: For many years and nearly every time I’ve been in the Lakepoint Shopping Center during August/Sept, I see and hear Cedar Waxwings.  They hang out in the trees near the Willow Creek restaurant right at the entrance.  It’s amazing and they were there again today!  So cool.  Turn up your hearing aids because they whisper quiet notes from the trees and were very chatty today.  Check them out!

I look forward to our next beginning birding trip at Lair O the Bear on August 28th.


Susan Harper