Nestbox Monitoring in Genesee – 2022

All 83 nestboxes in Genesee were monitored in 2022 by 17 persons or couples. The community continues to show strong interest in conducting nest box monitoring. Thanks to all who participated this year.

Tree Swallows in a Bluebird nest box.
Tree Swallows (c) Sara Kresse

There were 65 nest attempts (78%) with 45 successful nests (54%) — see the table. Swallows were the most successful with 61 fledglings, followed by House Wrens with 41 fledglings, bluebirds with 39 fledglings, and unexpectedly Pygmy Nuthatches with 25 fledglings (rarely seen before).

Compared to 2021, all the numbers were much better — 59% more nesting attempts, 45% more successful nests, and 68% more fledglings. The snow storm in late May caused the loss of some successful nesting attempts. Only two nest boxes were destroyed by bears this year, fortunately with no nests in the boxes.

Occupancy and breeding success of birds using next boxes in Genesee, Colorado, 2022

Mountain ChickadeeTree SwallowViolet Green SwallowSwallow SpeciesHouse WrenWestern BluebirdMountain BluebirdHouse FinchPygmy Nuthatch
Nesting Attempts710791211045
Successful Nests486471825
Total Number of Eggs40432621555401829
Clutch Size105.
% Hatched of Eggs Laid80%77%96%71%93%80%73%67%86%
% Fledged of Eggs Laid57%58%81%71%56%80%71%50%86%
Chicks Fledged / Nesting Attempt3.32.531.73.443.52.28
Total Number of Fledlings2325211541435925