Evergreen Audubon & the Dam Ducky Derby

Water pouring over a dam. A ladder from a hook and ladder truck (firetruck) in the background. A pool of bright yellow rubber ducks floating below the dam and a crowd of people in the foreground, background and lined up an a ramp watching the action. There are also 4 people in orange jumpsuits in the water, herding the ducks.
Dam and Ducks at the Derby (Ann Dodson photo)

The August 6th Dam Ducky Derby in Evergreen was a very successful event for the Evergreen Downtown Business Association and for our mobile Evergreen Nature Center! The Elk Antler Ring Toss and the Pelt Matching Game were popular activities, and we had the opportunity to share information about Evergreen Audubon, the Evergreen Nature Center, and all of our programs with more than 200 adults and with 200 plus kids.

Evergreen Audubon sold 428 ducks, and we hope that at least one of them was a winner!  Thank you to all who used our code “BIRD” when purchasing your ducks.  Your support of Evergreen Audubon and the Evergreen Nature Center is greatly appreciated!

A display for Evergreen Audubon Nature Center. Table has a sign, brochures, taxidermy ducks, and big horned sheep horns. Also, a woman in a colorful shirt is showing animal skins to a woman and child. All this is under a dark green folding canopy and you can see other exhibitors in the background.
Maddy Shows Off a Skunk Skin in the Evergreen Nature Center Exhibit at the Dam Duck Derby (Ann Dodson photo)

Huge thanks to Maddy McFarland, Bryan McFarland, Linda Englehart, Melissa Leasia, and Kathy Madison for helping to make this day a success.

We also appreciate Sweet Hayden, the new clothing and gift shop in downtown Evergreen, for sponsoring our booth at the Dam Duck Derby celebration.