Expired Nest Box Build – 2022

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

women with drill standing over a workbenchWe need volunteers to help build nest boxes for the Alternative Gift Fair and our Spring sale. We will be outdoors and in a garage. If possible, please bring a drill (either power or battery-operated) – if you don’t have one, no worries, there are other tasks you can do. Snacks, coffee, and lunch will be served.

When: Saturday, August 27th, starting at 9:00

  • Folks can come any time during the day.
  • We will continue working until we are finished or tired.
  • No experience is necessary; we will show you exactly what to do.
  • Everyone is welcome. We especially encourage families with children to come and build nest boxes together.

Where: Rachel Hutchison’s House in the Evergreen Meadows

nest boxNest Box?  What’s a Nest Box?  Well, you may call them bird houses, but whatever you call them, they are a critical part of Evergreen Audubon’s mission to conserve and promote bird life in our Evergreen world.  For decades Evergreen Audubon members have cut cedar boards, assembled them into durable nest boxes that are ideally sized for our chickadees, nuthatches, wrens, and bluebirds, and sold them to the Evergreen community at cost so that more birds have places to nest and raise their young.  This is particularly important for the cavity-nesting birds because living and dead trees with suitable natural cavities are becoming scarce as land is developed or mitigated for wildfire. Besides, having our wild bird friends nest in our yards brings pleasure and joy to our lives!

Building nest boxes in the quantities needed is a big but fun project. We invite all Evergreen Audubon members to participate!  Besides the building day, there are several ways that you can help.

  • Pre-Build Day Prep: We also need volunteers who can help cut and prepare the wooden boards ahead of time.  This involves using powered saws and a drill press, so being comfortable with these power tools is a plus. If you can spend some time between August 9 and August 25, we’d love to have your help. Ed Furlong will be coordinating the small group prep sessions. Please contact him know when you are available: chapterprograms@evergreenaudubon.org
  • Building Material Sponsor: You can help defray the rising cost of materials for nest boxes by becoming a Nest Box Sponsor! Like everything else these days, material costs for home building, our homes, and homes for birds, just keep spiraling upward. To sponsor the nest box materials, please go to the donation page at Evergreen Audubon’s website and click the donate button; indicate your donation amount and select Nest Box Sponsor as the purpose of your donation. Please consider covering the build costs of one or more boxes by making a donation of $25 or more; it’s a great way to participate if you can’t come to Build Day in person.

As always, Evergreen Audubon is truly grateful for your support in protecting and nurturing the diversity of plant and animal life in our Evergreen community. We look forward to seeing you, drill in hand, at Nest Box Build Day on Saturday, August 27, 2022!