From the Director

log cabin 1-story structure on a lake

As we launch into the busyness of our summer season, I have been reflecting on the difference one year can make. June of 2021 was accompanied by waves of new experiences and the excitement of opening the Evergreen Nature Center (ENC) for my first time. This year there is more familiarity to the season, but an ongoing excitement for the joy our guests experience when they visit the ENC. I hear countless stories from visitors about how much they love the Evergreen Nature Center and how grateful they are for its existence. I recently had a conversation with a mom whose two kiddos visited us at the Nature Center multiple times last year all the way from Arvada. Her older son is outspoken and inquisitive, and spent most of the time with me at the Center asking questions about every single exhibit; the younger brother was much more reserved and primarily engaged passively from behind his aunt’s back. In my most recent conversation with their mom, she said her younger son (the one who mostly hid), has been asking her when they could come back and visit the ENC – he even asked if they could call me to find a time when I could be there to talk about the exhibits with them. This is just one of many instances that show how impactful even passive interactions can be, and how special the Evergreen Nature Center is.

I also often hear from people who had no idea the ENC existed, and who tell me how much of a hidden gem it is. A common statement, especially from Evergreen locals(!), is how they have lived in Evergreen X-number of years, but had never heard of Evergreen Audubon. My goal is to increase our visibility and get the word out to our community about all the incredible work that Evergreen Audubon does.

Our vision is that of an engaged community that is aware of the natural world, and embraces conservation of natural resources. However, one of our biggest challenges is visibility and getting the word out about our programming, events, and the operation of the ENC. We are currently working on bolstering our communication plans and diversifying outlets for marketing, but one of the most impactful marketing strategies is word-of-mouth! I hope you’ll join us in engaging our community and spreading the word about this incredible organization.